Keeping it real! Yep that’s actually one of my 2020 goals! Also our Christmas tree is still up…

Keeping it real! Yep that’s actually one of my 2020 goals!

So often social media makes me feel like I’m trying to keep up with the Jones and guess what? I’m failing miserably at it!

In 2019 one of my goals was to post more live videos on social media and to be honest, they really freaked me out!  I was so critical of them, from how I looked, to how my house looked and does my voice always sound that weird?!  I got so nervous each time and ended up deleting many after I watched them! So silly!

This year I have decided that I will do more, some business-related, some personal and this year I’m not going to get all caught up in perfectionism! Nope! 2020 is the year of authenticity!

So here’s a video, this is me with dark circles under my eyes but you know what?  They are worth it because Im slightly tired from an AWESOME wedding I photographed at Testarossa Winery this weekend. Congratulations Lauren & Marcos!

In this video Im sharing a funny story about my son and also revealing something that will make some holiday traditionalist CRINGE! Yup, the Christmas tree is still up!!!!

Happy 2020!  Here’s to keeping it real! The picture below of us in our PJs on Christmas morning!  Is our tree a trooper or what???




Susannah Gill is located in El Dorado Hills CA. She photographs weddings, families & babies in Tahoe, San Francisco, the Bay area and is always looking to travel! Phone:1-916-936-7363 Email: